Proper Position
- Lie on your side, resting on one elbow placed directly beneath your shoulder.
- Stack your legs on top of each other or place your top foot in front of your bottom foot for more stability.
- Engage your core and keep your body straight, forming a line from shoulders to feet.
- Place your other arm along your body or on your hip.
- Slowly lower your hips toward the floor without touching it.
- Immediately lift your hips back toward the ceiling, contracting your obliques and core muscles.
- Repeat this motion fluidly for the desired number of repetitions.
- Switch sides to balance the workload.
- Inhale as you lower your hips.
- Exhale as you lift your hips.
- Maintain a straight posture throughout the exercise to avoid curving your back or slumping your shoulders.
- If the exercise is too challenging, place your lower knee on the floor to reduce the load.
- Focus on engaging your obliques and keep a controlled pace to avoid jerky movements.
- Fix your gaze on a point ahead of you to maintain balance.