Banded plank


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Proper Position

  • Anchor a resistance band to a stable point or loop it around your wrists or ankles, depending on the chosen variation.
  • Get into a classic plank position: hands directly under your shoulders, body in a straight line (head, back, hips, legs), and core engaged.
  • If the band is around your wrists, keep your hands shoulder-width apart. If it's around your ankles, keep your feet slightly apart.


  • Variation 1 (Arms): Slowly move one hand outward against the resistance of the band, then bring it back to the starting position. Alternate hands.
  • Variation 2 (Legs): Slowly move one leg outward to the side against the band’s resistance, then return to the starting position. Alternate legs.
  • Keep your body stable, avoiding hip or back movements.


  • Breathe steadily and deeply throughout the exercise. Exhale during each active movement.