Bodyweight feet elevated glute bridge


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Proper Position

  • Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms facing down.
  • Place your feet on a box or stable bench, with your knees bent at approximately 90°.
  • Adjust your position so that your legs are aligned with your hips.
  • Engage your core and keep your back straight.


  • Push through your heels on the box to lift your hips toward the ceiling.
  • Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement and hold for 1 to 2 seconds.
  • Slowly lower your hips back down to the floor without completely releasing the tension.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Inhale as you lower your hips.
  • Exhale as you lift your hips.


  • Keep your core engaged to prevent arching your lower back.
  • Focus on squeezing your glutes rather than pushing with your lower back.
  • Use a stable box to avoid movement or imbalance.
  • To increase difficulty, perform the exercise one leg at a time or add weight on your hips.