Proper Positioning
Machine Adjustment:
- Adjust the width of the machine's pads so they are aligned with the outside of your thighs.
- Sit with your back firmly supported against the backrest of the machine.
Body Positioning
- Keep your torso upright and your shoulders relaxed.
- Place your feet flat on the footrests, knees bent, in a comfortable position.
- Maintain a neutral posture by slightly contracting your abdominal muscles to stabilize your core.
Concentric Phase (opening the legs)
- Slowly push outward with the sides of your thighs to spread your legs as far as possible, maintaining full control of the movement.
- Feel the abductors (hips and glutes) working.
Eccentric Phase (closing the legs)
- Slowly bring your legs back to the starting position without fully releasing the tension.
- Inhale as you return your legs to the starting position.
- Exhale as you open your legs.
Important Tips
- Do not let the weight return too quickly to avoid abrupt movements.
- Ensure you don’t arch your back or strain other muscle groups.
- Adjust the weight to perform 12 to 15 repetitions with perfect control.
This exercise primarily targets the abductor muscles and glutes and can be included in a session designed to improve hip stability and leg aesthetics.